Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El
Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El is an open-minded, open-hearted, inclusive and egalitarian synagogue in the heart of Plantation (Broward County, Florida), providing almost fifty years of Jewish education and religious and social experiences for all our congregants.
We celebrate our identity as a multi-generational, family-oriented congregation of more than 2000 adults and children that embraces diversity and aims to enhance the Jewish knowledge and identity of everyone who chooses to be a part of our family.
The world stands upon three things: the Torah, the prayer, and the acts of lovingkindness. (Pirkei Avot 1:2)

Vocal Healing Circle
Experience a transformative gathering addressing pain, illness, stress and grief through movement, sound healing and song. $20 members and $25 nonmembers payable that evening to [...]

Four Voices, Four Children: A Passover Journey
Join us as we explore the Passover story through the lens of one of the four children, offering fresh insights that challenge, inspire and deepen [...]

Rock the Runway
Enjoy brunch with a mimosa bar and bid on amazing raffles, featuring kid-friendly prizes and exclusive experiences! Cost: $54 per adult, $36 per child (5 [...]

Kafty Mystery Bus
Three activities with lunch and dinner. Early bird price is $80. Early-bird pricing ends on March 18, then goes up to $100. Registration ends on [...]

Passover Seders at TKAE
Celebrate Passover at TKAE with two special seders led by Rabbi Uri and Cantor, Rabbi Mark. Enjoy a kosher for Passover menu, festive traditions and [...]

Passover Seders at TKAE
Celebrate Passover at TKAE with two special seders led by Rabbi Uri and Cantor, Rabbi Mark. Enjoy a kosher for Passover menu, festive traditions and [...]

Beginners Hebrew
Join us for an engaging and interactive beginners class in Hebrew! This course is designed for those with little to no prior knowledge of the [...]

Bamidbar: A Physical Journey or Spiritual Pilgrimage
Our lives are a lot like the wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness, as told in the book of Bamidbar. Some people spend their [...]

Lunch and Learn: Discovering the Mitzvot
Bring your lunch and enjoy provided desserts while studying each of the 613 mitzvot in detail. Engage in meaningful discussions and deepen your understanding of [...]

Rabbis of the Talmud
Discover the most fascinating stories and teachings of the rabbis from the Talmud. Learn moral lessons that are still relevant today. Instructor: Rabbi Uri Romano [...]