
Holidays and celebrations are an integral part of Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El. They provide the rhythm of our Jewish Year and the thread that is woven into the fabric of our Jewish lives. Holidays provide an opportunity for members to pray, learn, and celebrate as a community. The Jewish calendar is full of holy, sacred and meaningful days and commemorations. Kol Ami Emanu-El is a place to observe these days and a resource for those who wish to mark them as part of a vibrant and active community

High Holidays

Other Holidays


Join us for evening services at 6:30pm and morning services at 9:15am. The last day’s morning service includes Yizkor. One highlight of our Pesach celebration is our legendary Second Night Seder! Experience this energy-filled multi-generational experience with songs, prayers and many laughs. Say goodbye to your kitchen and enjoy one of the most delicious kosher for Passover meals in Broward county.


Join us for evening and morning services at 6:30pm and 9:15am respectively. Following the evening service we feature our annual “Cheesecake Factory War” – as we sample over 15 cheesecakes and declare a winner! Now that we’re satiated physically we turn our attention to spiritual fulfillment as we participate in a Tikkun Leil Shavuot – An Evening of Torah study led by our rabbi and cantor. Our morning service which includes Yizkor is filled with beautiful music, inspiring words and of course a delicious nosh and divrei Torah following the service.


Sukkot is celebrated each and every day at TKAE in the largest Sukkah in Broward County. Every night, we have special programming (weather permitting) designed for every interest group in our congregation from tots to seniors. The first and last days of Sukkot we have evening and morning services at 6:30pm and 9:15am where everyone will have an opportunity to shake the lulav.

Simchat Torah

We celebrate Simchat Torah on the seventh night of Sukkot with dancing, eating, singing and Torah study. Join us as we march our Torahs around our sanctuary and celebrate the beauty and brilliance of our Jewish faith.

Minor Holidays and Modern Celebrations


Hanukkah is celebrated every night at TKAE, often featuring a particular demographic; children, teens, families, seniors, brotherhood and sisterhood; culminating on Friday night when we come together and celebrate as one community. In addition we hold our annual multi media, energy-filled Hanukkah Blow Out Party complete with a huge outside Hanukkiah, dancing, music, and circus acts!


Join us for our Purim Extravaganza Celebration for families and kids. Adults are invited to join us for a more “grown up” themed party culminating in Rabbi Uri’s legendary Purim Megillah Reading. Not to be missed.

Yom Haatzmaut

We mark Yom Haatzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, with Israeli-themed films, food, and lectures. The culmination of our family celebration features an evening of high-energy dance, music and carnival style celebration.

Yom Hashoah

We commemorate Yom Hashoah as one community, remembering this dreadful time in the history of our people. Every member of our congregation receives a Yom Hashoah memorial candle. We offer prayers for those who have passed and look to each other for strength and resilience as we never forget and remind future generations of the atrocities of the holocaust.

Lag Ba-Omer

We mark this holiday with a giant bonfire, drum circles, singing, feasting and fun making.