Early Childhood

Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El Early Childhood Program

Our Early Childhood Education Program is a dynamic child-centered community that is dedicated to building strong relationships among educators, students and their families. These relationships help us forge a loving community based on kindness, respect and the love of learning for children, from infancy to age five.

Program Information

Call: (954) 472-8700 or Email: [email protected]

Our program’s approach to learning is both creative and developmentally appropriate. We encourage intentional, play-based experiences while providing the tools for a positive and desirous attitude for life-long learning. While our goal is focused on preparing children for the future, we also attend to their creative needs and intellectual curiosity. With smart boards, smart tablets, Judaics, Hebrew, art, music and movement, the state-of-the-art Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El’s Early Childhood Center is an amazing place to establish your child’s foundation for a life-long love of learning.


Clergy and parent involvement

At Temple Kol Ami Emanu-El’s Early Childhood Center, children embark on a dynamic journey where they learn through a balanced curriculum. With the assistance of our clergy and parents, students will become contributing members to our school and community by learning about social action through Jewish values. Jewish awareness is gained through real-life experiences in the classrooms where we introduce and practice Jewish traditions, customs, values, Hebrew language, music, Shabbat and holiday celebrations. Judaic studies enhance and enrich their studies in an atmosphere of mutual kindness and respect.

Our Programs

  • Three- and Five-Day Programs
  • Half and Full Days
  • Early Care/Extended Care Available
  • Optional Mini-Camps During Winter and Spring Break
  • Year-Round Special Events and Programming
  • After-School Enrichments including Karate, Cooking, Story Time, Handwriting without Teachers, Soccer, Gymnastics and Dance
  • Low Child-to-Teacher Ratios
  • Vibrant PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
  • Spanish and Hebrew-Speaking Teachers
  • Kosher Lunches Available

Mommy and Me program

Bring your friends to meet our Mommy & Me Teacher Miss Tracy Kahn. Miss Tracy has over 20 years of experience teaching Mommy & Me and Music and Movement. From three months to age two, our mommy and me classes promote early development and provide a strong foundation for your childʼs critical first two years. Weekly classes will help your child achieve new milestones and prepare for more advanced challenges during each stage of growth. Bring your friends and meet new ones as you celebrate every discovery with smiles and hugs as we encounter new joyful, playful and innovative experiences. Call the school office for schedules.

Infant Program 3 Months to Steady Walker

Babies are nurtured and cared for in an age-appropriate environment. They learn and grow from exploring their surroundings. Our infant classroom is surrounded with toys, rockers, blankets and other items that will make him or her feel at home. Children at this age start to lift their heads as they work on developing their back and neck muscles during “tummy time”. Early Language and Literacy experiences are provided by listening to stories and music and by singing songs. Infant level spends Friday mornings at Shabbat.

Toddler Level – Walkers to Turning Two

Toddler level is one of the most challenging and rewarding ages of all the age levels. Children at this age are active and busy. Their hands-on learning experiences encourage them to use their five senses to discover the world around them.
They feel secure in a safe and stimulating environment from which they can develop with a variety of developmentally-appropriate activities and toys. Their learning environments consist of puzzles, books, pictures, loose parts, music as well as time and space for active play such as jumping, running and dancing.
The teachers work hard to provide a consistent routine that includes enhancing their social, physical and cognitive development. The focus at this age is on developing their self-concepts and encouraging their independence. These children are nurtured and cared for as they begin their first early childhood experiences.

Pre-Nursery Level – Two Years Old by September 1st

Children at this age learn best with repetition and encouragement. Their development is unique and is affected by their environment and their experiences. They engage in hands-on learning experiences using their senses, motor skills and dramatic play. Problem solving starts to come into the picture and “trial and error” is often used. Language development is incorporated into every activity and new discoveries are facilitated by asking, who, why, what and how questions.
This is the age to set the foundation for reading and writing. They love to read books and to engage in “pretend reading” experiences. Children start to enjoy scribbling and may even start to identify and write the first letter of their name. Language skills help children to understand directions and express their needs. Important math skills are learned and one-to-one correspondence, patterns, puzzles and pegs and loose parts are used. Physical development is essential at this age and the children are into rolling, crawling, creeping, walking, running, jumping and climbing to enhance their gross motor skills. Their fine motor skills are enhanced by engaging in sensory activities, playing with musical instruments, dancing, finger plays and songs. These children become more aware of their surroundings and continue to learn and grow from the care and concern of their teachers.

Nursery Level – Three Years Old by September 1st

Three-year-old children are often persistent when completing the task at hand. They learn best through exploring their surroundings. Language development at this level begins to take off and children are easier to understand and their vocabulary has expanded. They like to initiate conversation and talk about what they like.
Children begin to notice the print around them. They start to recognize letters and numbers and observe that the print in books tells a story. Three-year-olds become aware of the uses for writing and they may ask how to spell words. Logical reasoning is becoming more necessary as they complete more challenging puzzles, sorting and classifying and one to one correspondence.
Social development is key and these children become more independent, but still concerned where their parents are. Friendships become stronger, yet they still have a need for parental assistance. Children at this age enhance their physical development by going up and down the same slide. They love to climb the jungle gym while strengthening their motor skills. These three-year-olds are eager to please and they continue to explore their surroundings while enhancing their creativity.

Pre-Kindergarten Level – Four Years Old by September 1st

The Pre-Kindergarten level helps lay the foundation for Kindergarten and future school experiences. Hands-on, developmentally appropriate learning experiences are the main focal point of each child’s day. The children in Pre-Kindergarten take what they have learned in the previous levels and apply it to their learning. These learning experiences empower these children to become active individuals in their Early Childhood journey.
Children learn through innovative experiences using computers, tablets and Smart Board. The daily centers incorporate literacy, journal writing, math, science, art, writing, fine motor and handwriting skills. These centers are aligned with the Florida VPK Education Standards and they are incorporated into our curriculum objectives and goals.
They visit a variety of specials such as art, creative movement, Judaics, Hebrew and music with talented and educated teachers. The focus on age-appropriate expectations is interwoven with attention to individual appropriateness and differences.

Our Teachers

Child-centered activities are developed to relate to children’s everyday life experiences. Our nurturing, energetic and certified teachers are continuously expanding their knowledge through professional development. Using up-to-date curriculum and lesson plans, appropriate assessment and the latest technology, children are provided enriching experiences with opportunities to experiment, discover, dream and imagine.
Each teacher strives to build a sense of community while providing a healthy and safe environment. Teachers individualize instruction using developmentally-appropriate lesson plans based on the Florida Early Learning Development Standards.