Bamidbar: A Physical Journey or Spiritual Pilgrimage
Our lives are a lot like the wanderings of the Israelites in the wilderness, as told in the book of Bamidbar. Some people spend their time trying to get from point A to point B – focusing on the physical journey. Others recognize that our journey can be more of a spiritual pilgrimage – if we allow ourselves to experience it in that way. In this course, we will explore how our lives mirror the 40 years in the wilderness and how we can move forward physically and spiritually throughout our lives. Instructor: Rabbi David Paskin (V) Wednesdays: 10:30am-11:30am Register [...]
Vocal Healing Circle
Join us for a community vocal healing circle on Wednesday, March 5 at 5:45pm, led by Cantorial Soloist Jessy Wald with Cantor, Rabbi Mark Goldman. Experience a transformative gathering addressing pain, illness, stress, and grief through movement, sound healing and song. Optional dinner at a local restaurant following. RSVP to reserve your spot. RSVP is required. Register here.
Alexander Muss High School in Israel Speaker Night
Join us on March 5 from 6:00pm-7:00pm to learn about Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) and its incredible semester and summer programs! Alicia Press, Director of Admissions, will be speaking to our TKAE families and teens, sharing everything you need to know about this immersive Israel experience. Who should attend? 8th graders, teens and parents interested in exploring this life-changing opportunity! Do not miss this chance to ask questions, learn about the programs and even start your journey to Israel! Register here.